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ICID 2019 Fall Semester Courses Timetable
ICID 2019 Fall Semester Courses Timetable
ICID 2019 Fall Semester Courses Timetable
2019/3/22 1:00PM-2:30PM @ Open Space ICID
To celebrate the 12th anniversary of Institute of Creative Industries Design (ICID), ICID assistant Professor Yen-Ting Cho and graphic designer Jia-Zhen Liu decided to redesign ICID’s visual image while staying true to the Institute's objective and move forward to the next stage.
學生: 魏杰恩/王雪芳/葉乃慧/吳芳瑱/黃書嫻/楊小明/柏雷/劉瑩/朱莉安/鄭琳湘/何英格/普莞笛/王維語/顏盈恩/歐宇婕/陳明惠/柯涵寧/陳姿予/許毓容/呂宜蓁/謝妤嫻/羅婕/李怡/于悅/ 張沂/楊喻丞/林芳慈/鍾至怡/李思婷/ 鄒易明/陳麗芳/梅曼麗/沈盈峰/韓納莉