Apply for Academic Achievement, Credit Transfer, and Exempt from any course enrollment

For whom is going to apply for Academic AchievementCredit Transfer, and Exempt from any course enrollment, please submit all the requirements to ICID office before 09/12 (Thu.).
Requirements of Academic Achievement:
1. Application form (signed by your advisor)
2. Attendance certificate
3. Full paper  ( Student’s name and ICID are all needed to be marked.)
Requirements of Credit Transfer
1. Application form
2. Course Outline
3. Passage certificate and related materials (e.g. assignment)
Requirements of Exempt from any course enrollment
For students who have completed the required credits for graduation and would like to apply to be exempt from any course enrollment, please provide your transcripts to ICID office for confirmation before 12th September. And those who have confirmed the required credits with ICID office previously, don’t need to reapply it. If you are not sure whether you have already applied or not, please write to us or call to confirm, thank you!