2018 International Conference of Culture and Creativity- Future of Design Education

About the Conference


2018 ICCC main theme focuses on Design and Education to discuss and reflect the development of innovation in future design education. In the future, education is increasingly emphasizing issue-oriented and forward-looking innovation, and this has also initiated interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary co-learning and co-creation. The field of design thinking, which emphasizes problem-solving with innovation, is therefore a field practice that focuses on real problems.


The conference specially invites professor Chiu Chi- Yue, the Dean of the School of Social Sciences of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to give a keynote speech. In the past, Dean Professor Chiu has been an international leader in culture and creativity, and interdisciplinary team innovation research. Recently, he promoted positive education in Hong Kong with remarkable results. We hope that through his topic, we can start to discuss the future development of design and education.


Therefore, after the speech by Dean Chiu, we also invited Professor Cheng Taisheng, the Dean of the college of design and planning, and Professor Lai Ming-derg, the dean of Academic Affairs at NCKU to discuss together. Dean professor Jeng has long promoted the innovation of design education. Dean Lai is now leading the establishment of a cross-disciplinary X college in NCKU. Through their dialogue, will inspire the blueprint for the future of design education.