
Modern Cross-disciplinary Observation on the Heritagisation Process of Cultural Heritage

Author|Associate Professor Hui-Wen LIN


This research has adopted the heritagisation addressed by Smith(2006), to analyse how cultural heritage can be seen as kind of resource, when specific social foal has to be fulfilled during the historical course of time. Standing on the view point that heritagisation isn’t about the past but rather on how the past is used, with further investigation on the representation and transformation of meanings that heritage extend to. Therefore, this paper examined how heritage can be interpreted through certain perspectives such as culture and representation under the modern context and the framework of heritage which has been identified as kind of industry during the heritagisation process of conservation (Hewison,1987). Redefining the threats, contradictories, dialogue, and negotiation when conserve for heritage is also one of the objectives of this study.


This research has discussed about several attributes that made up heritage, through the transformation process from authority to community. As well as to redefine dynamic relationship between heritage and historic site under the ideology of modern society. Especially when multiple meanings understood by various social groups, the cultural heritage with social meaning, would be debatable on interpretation, representation and transmission between different ownership during the construction of epistemology. This study also extend issues on the curation, materiality, and managerial services, to discuss about multiple aspects on conservation of cultural heritage and its practice.